
"If I could state it in one sentence," Allan says, "My purpose is to help people help themselves."

This is a purpose that Allan has been committed to since he began his new life on the ramp upwards. Never a good student during his school days, Allan realized that education was a key component to his future success. So, he resolved to do whatever it took to succeed, including going back to school, sitting in lecture halls with students less than half his age and earning college degrees. There were the countless hours volunteering at the union hall, helping miners with problems in their lives just as others had helped him when he needed it. This led to deeper involvement in the union's employee assistance program and then years more of training in addiction intervention.

With his further education and credentials, Allan continued giving back to society. He helped many people deal with their addictions through interventions, counseling and, most importantly, caring for others after years of not even caring about himself. He began delivering seminars on a variety of topics for the United Steelworkers and eventually became head of the union's Emergency Response Team assisting the families of union members severely injured or killed on the job.

His deep familiarity with issues facing working people, his credentials in crisis and addiction intervention enabled him to assemble recorded lectures, manuals and workbooks on a variety of topics such as handling stress, workplace safety, resolving conflicts, personal growth, leadership and others. You can find these by visiting here.

Being in front of groups as a seminar leader and teacher naturally led to the public speaking that Allan does today. The long road he has traveled to arrive where he is now gives him an authenticity in front of an audience that is without pretense or the need to for a rah-rah approach. Having been to the brink and stared over the edge lends a quiet certainty to the rest of one's days, for those who survive. Allan not only survived, he has thrived. His message can inspire, enthuse and motivate your group to do the same. Click here to inquire about booking Allan for your event.